Mint Lemon Juice


Mint Lemon Juice


Ingredients for Mint Lemon Juice

Mint leaves – 2 cups

Coriander leaves – 1 cup

Curry leaves – 1 cup

Pepper powder – 1 tea spoon

Ginger powder – 1 tea spoon

Salt – As per requirement

Lemon juice – 4 table spoons


Preparation method for Mint Lemon Juice

Take two cups of mint leaves, 1 cup of coriander leaves and 1 cup of curry leaves. Put them in a mixer after washing it thoroughly. Add three cups of water and grind well. Grind the mixture till the dark green juice comes out.

Remove the mixer the transfer the juice into a bowl by filtering it. The filter will stop the residue and let the juice in the bowl. Now add salt to it, followed by pepper and ginger power. Add four table spoons of lemon juice to the bowl and mix well. The mint lemon juice is ready to be served.

This juice has the healthy benefits of mint leaves, curry leaves and lemon. Mint leaves, curry leaves, coriander leaves are very good for the body. Ginger power increases the digestion power. Lemon when added with it improves the taste and gives the benefit of citrus.

This juice could be served by adding sugar instead of pepper, ginger and salt. Both the combinations would be very tasty. The first type will be very good for the people who are cautious about their calories. Where as the later could be given to children. This juice would be a very healthy alternative to traditional juices.

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